The European Open Business School offers uniquely immersive, yet independently led programs that embrace a futuristic method of teaching and learning. Most of the coursework is online, thus rather than embracing a classroom learning environment, the master’s students delve into the business setting for practical experience.
The students are equipped with the knowledge and the resources to manage their education throughout their program, much like they will be expected when they enter the business world. These students are by no means micro-managed. Founder and CEO of European Open Business School, Jaime Medel Rodan, eloquently affirmed the school’s internet-based methodology saying, “New leaders must generate global thinking, free of ties.” These students are very free of ties- they can study from wherever, whenever.
The Business Management master’s students have a two-week immersion program in Madrid where they develop an understanding of the Spanish business ecosystem. The students visited companies like BBVA and Coca Cola. Opinno was one of their partners this year, which means Opinno was incorporated into their International Management Development Estancia. The program visited the Opinno Madrid office and spent time asking our team of innovative consultants, “how to face the digital age?”
The business students learn the techniques of effective management of a company throughout their year analyzing case studies and in practical situations with companies like Opinno. Opinno’s consultants therefore shed their knowledge and expertise on how businesses should prepare for the rise of new technologies that are changing the dynamics of markets. Further, our Opinno consultants spoke on how they have managed digital transformations, led design sessions, and accomplished digital talks at varying businesses across the spectrum.
The program directors shed a light on the objectives of the immersion program, which are for the students to familiarize themselves with the latest trends relevant in this next technological revolution. This is accomplished through a variety of methods, one of which is attending interactive talks and conferences led by renowned speakers, which will additionally bring them closer to the Spanish culture and offer them networking opportunities. Though the visited companies in the two-week immersive program are Spanish, they have a very global presence, which is why the professors hope the students develop a global vision.
Innovation is to key to strategy, and the European Open Business School students built their innovative spirit working with Opinno’s innovation consultants. In our workshop, they were encouraged to get their hands dirty- thinking, building, and engaging. The students were presented information on open innovation and presented challenges to work through and collaborate as groups to create solutions. Challenges were based on relevant 2019 trends and problems that arise with digital transformation like, for example, change management or strategy implementation. For example,
Reimagine how 80-year-old Bill could thrive in the sharing economy.
Reimagine how a bank can create an omnichannel experience to please families connecting on different devices at different times and for different reasons.
The only way to make accurate judgements and to take beneficial decisions is to put knowledge into practice by facing the complexity of the global business environment. Opinno put the students’ decision making skills, people management skills, creativity skills, technical skills and critical thinking skills to the test in an open environment, and they were successful.