Opinno created the website for the Tomillo-Tiétar Foundation that encourages social inclusion activities through agriculture and animal breeding
At first glance it might seem that raising chickens and growing vegetables has little to do with innovation. However, when biodynamic farming techniques are incorporated and promote social entrepreneurship, innovation is served. This concept shouldn't be limited to creating new devices and products, but should have as an ultimate goal to make a better world. So we have helped the Tomillo Foundation push forward a project that unites concepts such as solidarity and sustainable development.
We have collaborated with this non-profit through the development of the website Tomillo-Tiétar. This initiative seeks to create a unique space in a farm of 20 acres on the banks of the river Tiétar in Extremadura (Spain) to host sustainable agriculture and livestock activities, social programs for young people and a residence for seniors who want to live in contact with nature.
The Tomillo Foundation, with over 30 years experience as an organization promoting social entrepreneurship, turned to us to create this website because "it is a leader in innovation, and the Tomillo-Tiétar project is a dynamic project that needed a intuitive and modern page that adapts to the concept of a multidisciplinary project."
The Solutions department has implemented an intuitive and easy to use platform. The team has sought a simple but very useful design that "meets the needs of the Tomillo Foundation to visualize everything they do in this project," explains the head developer, Christian Schmidt.
This page serves as a showcase for everything that is done in this space. One of the important lines to ensure the economic sustainability of the project is the sale of agricultural products and livestock that are generated on the farm.
To facilitate the marketing of these foods, the website includes a section with all the information necessary to place an order and to taste the products, which have the the Junta de Extremadura (Spain) hallmark. In the future, this section could evolve into an online store that promotes the growth of Tomillo-Tiétar.
Collaboration with Tomillo Foundation is part of Opinno’s interest to participate in the growth of society by joining a venture with values such as sustainability and solidarity. This enthusiasm has passed on to the Labs team that "has taken the project with the hope of being able to participate in an initiative that has a positive social impact," says Schmidt.
Contributing to sustainable development and social integration is something for which everyone must take responsibility. Opinno has done its part by collaborating in this project where entrepreneurship and innovation manage to make the world a slightly better place.