On December 19, Valencia hosted the event, TECH4CV, organised by ITI, the Technological Institute of informatics, to promote the development of skills in enabling technologies.
Participants discussed the latest trends in digital technologies, including Ai, cyber connectivity, cybersecurity, advanced materials, micro-/nano technologies and photonics.
Enabling technologies are knowledge-intensive technologies that have been identified as potential inducers of disruptions in the economy and society in the next 10-15 years, according to different international studies of technological foresight, with
- High degree of R & D (science, technology or engineering)
- Rapid innovation cycles
- High capital investment (infrastructure, equipment, R & D personnel)
- Combination of physical and digital innovations
- The need for a reference point
The rate of change of enabling technologies is so high, and there are so many different technologies available that companies do not know which is the best option for investments. It is not usual to have demonstration centres where companies can observe the technologies in operation and assess their impact, or centres in which to experiment with the technologies before deciding to make a real implementation in the company.
Therefore, companies need to be able to access neutral information on any technology or enabler and personalised advice, whatever their size and sector, to make the best decisions regarding technological investments. Companies should be able to develop pilot projects and technology tests in laboratory environments before the purchase or launch of a technological product to the market.
"Biotechnology has enormous potential to improve health and many other sectors. With it, it is possible to create an economic fabric based on new products and services without leaving aside the ethical part" declares Marta del Amo, Editor in Chief del MIT Technology Review Spanish Edition who moderated a conference on Biotechnology.