Opinno has participated in the opening of the “1st Academic Innovation Meeting” headed by Pedro Moneo.

The Institute of European Design (IED) headquarters has been chosen for the first of various sessions organized between the 27th and 29th of May. The future of learning and design has been to the focus of discussion between different experts.

The first exposition, presented by a round table of three components including our CEO Pedro Moneo, discussed topics about the future of design and learning and technology and knowledge.

First of all, the Philosophy lecturer from Murcia University and theorist of culture and design, Francisco Jarauta, introduced in his exposition the related aspects of the future of design and culture and how we can define the professional competition for it’s development.

The idea of starting with a blank page was the first recommendation from the lecturer for all institutions dedicated to training and design, with the aim to develop their future projections, of which he said “there are no forecasts, only perspectives”. Jarauta defended that “everything has changed and has been done quicker than expected”, of which he advises good time management in order to finish as soon as possible.

He highlighted that there has been a change in the way of life because of a speedy globalization process that has reduced geo-cultural distances and new ways of thinking and imagining.

He also highlighted the fundamental role that the information and knowledge society plays, changing the way of understanding design and changing the professional profiles that assures that “every time it leans towards formal profiles that only want to adapt to change, that the creative people should look into doing new things”.


After the intervention the lecturer and ex Minister of Education, Ángel Gabilondo, who talked about the future of learning in which he said, “it’s for the future, but you have to make it come”.

The ex politian showed the importance of learning and how to teach and learn at the same time that marked the necessity of bringing back of the “spoken tongue” to transmit knowledge and leave to one side the observation of ethics, “You have to participate in an implied way” he confirmed.

“We are focused on innovation, knowledge is not important, but what we can do with it”. This was top idea from the CEO’s talk, founder of Opinno Pedro Moneo when he referred to the learning innovation incident.

The importance of innovation and technology was left in the hands of his speech that he mentioned in the paleontology age know as ‘cambrian’ to make reference to the age of constant change of which we are witnesses when it comes to knowledge. “This type of change is being produced more and more often, with less frequency making the vital rhythms fundamentally change.”

The businessman underlined the use of innovation and technology as a solution to the problems planted by society and quick changes.

“There are various technologies that are being used together and that allow education to evolve.” The ease of accessing the content from any place is one of the keys that Pedro Moneo showed as a main contribution of technological innovation.

Also, he mentioned the student condition that anyone who is submitted to the circumstances we are in can have and help continue learning using the huge quantities of devices that permit access to the content.