We are experiencing a drastic transformation of the  investor ecosystem. More and more, startups require less funding to create models that aresustainable in the marketplace, but on the other hand, are forced to grow much faster.

Consequently, the typical profile of a startup investor is changing. What is really needed is their experience instead of their money in order to grow significantly, grow quickly and sustainably. This tendency, to value experience over money, is only going to grow in the future.


We are also living a unique moment in which, at last, it seems the "crowdfunding", is taking off and will play an important role as a catalyst for businesses in the early stage of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

In Opinno, we aware of these changes and are developing an interesting research project called Smart Venture Capital or SmartVCap, which will facilitate the creation of a platform for our users to identify projects in which to invest, evaluate them, and build a reversed portfolio of companies .We also want to give this platform a social component, so we are going to give visibility to investors and projects within the SmartVCap environment, providing them with each indices that measure the revaluation or devaluation of the value of their company or their reversed portfolio of companies .

We believe that a tool like this will encourage investments in small micro-investors, while providing visibility to younger and more promising projects.