Opinno organized the launch of BBVA´s latest book, which analyzes how companies adapt to the technological age

The business world has been shaken by the technological revolution as internet has introduced new ways of working, distributing, and managing. BBVA´s new book, Reinventing Companies in the Digital Age, was written to analyze these effects and highlight the keys to how businesses are being transformed. The financial giant chose Opinno to host the launch of their book, which was celebrated last week in Boston, Massachusetts (USA).

Peter Thompson of the Henley Business School and Esteban García-Canal from the University of Oviedo (Spain), two of the book´s 20 authors, were in attendance at the event which was presented by the President of BBVA Francisco González. The agenda included a debate about how the internet is transforming the way business is conducted and how businesses are adapting to this new ecosystem.

“The launch of new products and services is easier, cheaper and faster than it was just a few years ago,” BBVA´s president highlighted. Thompson focused on the improved ability of individuals to conciliate their personal and professional lives thanks to technology. García-Canal explained how emerging economies have grown to represent 50% of the world economy (up from a previous 15%) with new companies that are challenging the more traditional and consolidated multinationals.

To facilitate this debate, Opinno assumed the event planning and the distribution of invitations to more than 200 attendees using their own ticketing platformWalter Frick, Associate Editor of the Harvard Business Review was chosen to moderate the debate. The launch was celebrated at The Harvard Club of Boston, an exclusive location previously host to such esteemed celebrities as Hillary Clinton and former presidents Gerald R. Ford and Jimmy Carter amongst others.


The Production Director at Opinno, Teresa Martín, states: “BBVA trusts Opinno due to our expertise in the organization and execution of important management and technology conferences.” The company recently organized the first edition of the HBR summit on behalf of the Harvard Business Review publication, which was held in Mexico. This event, which included 30 speakers and more than 700 attendees, focused on management themes. Opinno also organized the book launch, held in Mexico, for book launch for C@mbio, also published by BBVA which was attended by 300 people.

These examples join a longer list of Opinno´s achievements in the organization and management of international events dating back several years. Since 2011 Opinno has organized numerous editions of EmTech around the world through their publication MIT Technolgoy Review Spanish EditionThe company has also hosted conferences dealing with topics like New Ways of Working in collaboration with Google for Works and is highly experienced in training processes focused on corporate innovation and entrepreneurialism.

The continued confidence of corporations such as BBVA, Harvard Business Review, Google and MIT Technology Review speaks to Opinno´s effectiveness in the organization of large scale events pertaining to innovation, entrepreneurialism and business. These activities form part of the company´s commitment to spreading the values and attitudes that will help our society advance.