We are proud to announce that last week our innovation consultants received the formal ExO Sprint certification from Francisco Palao, the CEO and Co-founder of Exo Works.

The ExO Sprint training had a clear structure: The Age of Exponential Organizations, ExO attributes and tools, ExO Sprint methodologies and Exponential Business Models.

What does it mean to be ExO Sprint certified?

When awarded the official ExO Sprint certification our consultants are entrusted by the founders of ExO Works to use this method to create a positive impact in any organization that is willing to follow the methodology.

How does this translate into real value for clients?

In the past, businesses were built on a simple model: they commoditized scarcity. Today we live in a world of abundance, and the existing business models don’t work for abundance. Moreover, technology is changing everything. According to the Law of accelerating returns, the rate of change in a wide variety of evolutionary systems (including but not limited to the growth of technologies) tends to increase exponentially. The organizations that don’t adapt to the new pace of change will soon become obsolete.

Our team is ready to put this knowledge to good work. Book a session with us, and you are on the right path to building an exponential organization.

Further reading: Essential books if you want to build exponential growth.
