The Spanish Association for Quality and Opinno launch a series of lectures to show success stories and discuss how to foster innovation in organizations

In a world that is changing faster and faster and becoming more competitive, innovation is the impulse that organizations need to stand out. But what steps should a company follow to retrain and improve their position in the market? To answer this question, the Spanish Association for Quality (AEC, in Spanish) and Opinno have organized a series of master classes on innovation in organizations.


The cycle consists of 10 sessions that will be held on the second Wednesday of each month except the first session, which took place last week. Each session addresses a different theme and incorporates the knowledge of AEC and Opinno as experts in innovation. But to successfully innovate, it’s not enough to just study the theory. The project leader and manager of Opinno Think, Néstor Rodríguez, explains: "The classes shows practical examples so that attendees can experience first hand the experiences of successful innovation."

The AEC has decided to include Opinno in this project because of its experience in the sector, its network of contacts and ability to select the speakers and participating companies. Opinno has worked for years in advising other companies on how to develop innovation processes. Now it's time for these companies to show the benefits of their own processes. Rodriguez explains: "We are specialists in helping to create and motivate teams to bring value to the company through innovation".

While those attending the classroom sessions must receive an invitation, all classes will be available on streaming, thanks to the collaboration of technological partner BC Technologies.

The first session was attended by nearly 50 attendees in and was followed by almost 200 people using online streaming. The theme chosen to inaugurate the cycle was intraentrepreneurship, a technique that encourages innovation within the organization, a subject on which Opinno has advised many companies.

To introduce the topic was Opinno Think vice president, Tommaso Cannonici. Beside him, in attendance was the Project Manager of Innovation at Repsol, Rosario Montes; the Director of Strategy and Innovation at Lease Plan, José Hurtado, and the head of Enterprise Solutions for southern Europe Google, Rafael Sánchez. They reviewed how their organizations have driven intraentrepreneurship in

The coming sessions will address issues such as collective intelligence and how to accelerate innovation in organizations. All classes will feature leading companies in different fields to talk about their experience and show how these processes can grow businesses and improve their competitiveness.

In this way, Opinno puts its experience in innovation and entrepreneurship at the service of any individual or organization. This Opinno commitment to improving organizations is part of the various activities of the company to bring value to society and encourage firms to be better prepared in a changing and competitive ecosystem.