New talent can emerge anywhere at any time, that’s why the ‘Under 35’s Innovators Award’ is returning to Peru, in search of young innovators striving for solutions to social problems.
It’s no easy job organizing an event with the characteristics of the ‘Under 35’s Innovators Award’. To be successful in something that has boasted different editions in different countries, there are months of sacrifice and work involved. Many people and entities invest their time and effort to make this competition possible.
The organizers and collaborators are essential in the undertaking of every new edition searching for talented young people in the fields of technology and innovation. In this event, Peru’s second edition, they have the support of the Inter-American Development Bank, Telefónica y BBVA.
The large variety of themes within the projects make these awards the most important in the world. These awards cover all areas of technology, from Internet and web to biotechnology and telecommunications.
The nomination period for this edition is open from the 20th of September through an online platform. An expert judging panel made up of prestigious technologists, investors and academics from around the world will evaluate all the projects and, accompanied by the editorial team of the MIT Technology Review, they will chose the most innovative and ground-breaking projects that could change the social and economic panorama.
With this second edition in Peru, that make a total of eight Latin American areas (Argentina, Brazil, Central America, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay) that have taken part in the worldly recognition of young talented innovators that strive to change the world we live in.