At Opinno we support initiatives that are intended to pursue innovation and entrepreneurshipamong young people.

An example of such is BBVA Open Talent, which just held its sixth convocation.

In the last five years, more than 2,400 projects have participated in various editions of this contest, whose new edition offers an opportunity for young people with great ideas to develop business venture projects related to ideas based on technology and new banking. Both coincide with each of the categories in which the contest is divided:  Digital Life and New Banking.

Furthermore, in order to enhance local innovation ecosystems, Open Talent offers a great novelty this year by holding the competition in three regional areas: Central and South America, North America and Europe.

From April 8th to June 10th, there will be an open enrollment for the categories - Digital Life and New Banking - for projects that are less than four years old and that have a demo available.

Within these categories a total of 60 finalists are selected (30 Digital Life and 30 New Banking) who will present their initiatives in the three regional events. From there, the jury will select a total of six winners and six runner-ups.

Also new this year, there will be a public assistant in the Next Bank final events that will be able to participate with the jury in selecting the winners. They will receive a prize of 30,000 euros, which will result in share capital from BBVA or a contract to promote their services within the group.

In addition, along with the runner-ups and the most voted project on the internet, they will enjoy a week of training and contact with investors in New York (USA).

The South American and Central American edition will hold its final event in Bogota next July, the North American edition will be held in Mexico in September, and Europe will hold theirs in Barcelona in October.

 You can access the full story, as well as the contests by clicking here.