Last Friday, October 19, Tommaso Canonici, Managing Director of Opinno Europe, participated at the inauguration of Torino City Lab, an initiative that plans to make Torino one of Europe’s leading innovation hubs.

Technologies like IoT and 5G, Artificial Intelligence, self-driven and connected vehicles, drones, and robotics have the potential to transform urban spaces into more sustainable and environmentally friendly places to live. Torino City Lab offers the platform for testing these innovations as a starting point for dissemination in Europe.

Opinno was present at the inauguration to support the development of this initiative and to share knowledge with businesses that develop innovative technologies.

Torino City lab

How can this project help your company?

If you run a company that develops technology used in building smart cities, showcase your solution at Torino City Lab. The program welcomes applications from start-ups, SMEs and established companies. Fill out your application here.

For more information about Torino City Lab visit their website.