One of the biggest challenges that Opinion consultants face is presenting their work and ideas to the public. To make communication more effective, an optional course in public speaking has been held.

Fernando Roca Barba, an employee of Opinno, held a speech course yesterday in the Opinno office. He has extensive experience in this field, as he has, among other things, participated in the university debate league at the national level.

The 3-hour course consisted of knowing how to convey the messages effectively, finding fallacies in a speaker, being able to refute another person's arguments, and ended with a debate among the participants.



The first part of the theory explained all the resources and tips for oratory and practical examples. During this part, the trainer encouraged all attendees to participate.

Once the more theoretical aspect had been completed, the participants were divided into two groups for discussion. Our employees prepared arguments to discuss a topic as well as counter arguments to refute. The result was remarkable. There was strong participation and the participants were proficient in conveying their different points of view.