On the14th of February, the digital world proves once again its power to tackle the world’s most important problems.
The international women’s network Ana Bella in partnership with Facebook and Playground launched the initiative #AmorContraElMaltrato (love against mistreatment).
The chosen date wasn’t random. On a day when people expect to hear messages about love, relationships and happiness, Anna Bella created an event meant to raise awareness on gender equality and women empowerment. Women were invited to use the hashtag #AmorContraElMaltrato on all social media channels to talk about their experience with gender-based violence. By sharing their stories, women become change agents that through empathy and care contribute to building a culture of transparency and dialogue.
In Europe, 62 million women are victims of abuse every year, and only 14% of them report the case to the authorities or seek professional help.
In 2006, Ana Bella Estévez Jiménez de los Galanes, herself a victim of abuse and violence, launched the foundation to help empower women to change their lives. Before the creation of the foundation, Ana Bella hosted abused women in her home and used the media to tell their stories. Now the network has 16.000 members from all over the world, and through her collaborations with individuals, companies, NGOs and public institutions, she managed to create a survivor’s movement. By 2020, Ana Bella plans to gather 2 million members that fight to make the world a more gender equal place.
Anyone who wants to volunteer for this cause can join their Facebook group or contact the foundation directly.