The company We Work has arrived in Madrid! Opinno participated in the inauguration of the company’s latest workspace in the elegant Castellana in the heart of the capital. We Work is one of the first companies of its kind in Spain. They are specialists in the creation and management of the concept of shared workspaces the world over, collaborative work spaces especially suited to the new rigours of business in the design, technology and entrepreneurial sectors.

In just seven years the company has risen to become a large and successful business. We Work has responded to a need for work contexts that are more flexible, open and collaborative. Their buildings offer a range of shared work spaces, fluid and adaptable to the needs of different businesses, and liberate the traditional idea of ‘office space’ from the rigidity of fixed divisions of space or furniture.

Marta del Amo is the editor of the Spanish language version of the MIT Technology Review, also represented Opinno during We Work’s week-long inauguration. She presented a talk outlining the 10 most exciting breakthrough technologies to emerge in 2018, according to the publication. ‘Breakthrough here refers to technologies that are yet to reach the greater public, but that are already ‘out there’ and will have a profound effect on our lives in the near future.

Marta Wework

Concepts such as 3D metal printing, which will allow the manufacturing of large and complex pieces of metal objects on demand looks set to transform manufacturing. Artificial embryos are being developed, despite the thorny ethical issues this subject can produce, at the University of Cambridge. Scientists there have managed to produce mouse embryos without the use of an egg or sperm, making it easier to understand the complexities of life in its very early stages of development. Also featured were the concepts of sensing cities – an area of Toronto, Canada, which aims to integrate cutting-edge urban design with state-of-the-art technologies; cloud-based Artificial Intelligence, making this fascinating technology accessible to everyone; dueling neural networks which allows two A.I. systems to spar with each other and produce ultra-realistic images and sounds for the first time.


Marta was invited to participate as a presenter by Nicolás Slinger, who organized We Work’s landing in Madrid and is Community Lead of the company