The digital innovation center is a study center specialized in new methodologies and innovative professions. On June 30, from Opinno, we had the opportunity to be part of the jury that qualified the final projects of the master's degree in designing services and user experience.

The students presented possible solutions to a challenge previously raised problems by one of their tutors. The main objective of the challenge was the relationship between freelance and corporations, in this the students were asked to evaluate and strengthen the relationship between these two actors.

The world of work undergoes an important process of change. The forces that are transforming it are diverse, from the advancement of technology to the evolution of production and employment, to name a few.

In Spain there are already communities and a delocalized work platform that offer their services to companies, but it is still difficult to generate confidence in this type of business models.



The projects presented were:

Keep it upbeat: A platform that allows companies to have a freelance directory.

Freeland: An app that through the use of artificial intelligence creates freelance teams based on their soft skills to solve the challenges of companies.

Walden Tree: A freelance community that offers high potential teams to companies to do consulting.

Lancelot: A platform that has a catalog of freelance teams to solve business challenges.

The jury determined that the creators of Lancelot were the winners due to their novel characteristics and also for the possible implementation that the project may have.