A hydrogel for bandages, an app for cyclists and a democratic, autonomous driving system are amongst the award winning projects of the fourth generation of innovators in this region

They are young, they are ingenious and they want to improve the world we live in. These are the three characteristics shared by the 10 recipients of this fourth edition of the Innovators Under 35 Argentina and Uruguay 2015 awards bestowed by MIT Technology Review, Spanish Edition. These innovators have developed technologically based ideas with the potential to transform our society, something that we here at Opinno consider fundamental for the advancement of society, and something that drives our own motivations for organizing this competition.


The 10 finalists gathered on October 15th at the new Casa del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) to receive their awards. More than 150 people attended the event to learn firsthand about the ideas of our new Innovators Under 25 and to hear the announcement of the two special mentions: Innovator of the Year and Social Innovator.

Our assistant director of MIT Technology Review, Spanish Edition and the VP of People at Opinno, Cecilia Nicolini, served as MC for the ceremony. "The innovators we selected are working on projects that aim to solve problems in innovative ways and improve the lives of millions of people", Nicolini highlighted.

Along with Nicolini, the event included the participation of additional leaders from MIT like the vice president and treasurer of MIT, Israel Ruiz, the researcher from the MIT Senseable City Lab Jonathan Feng Sun, and the founder of the MIT Metro Lab, Gabriel Lanfranchi. We were also able to include several winners of previous editions such as the CEO of Acámica, Tomás Escobar, the CEO and founder of VU Security, Sebastián Stranieri, and the CEO of Fnbox, Rodrigo Teijeiro.

In order to guarantee the excellence of the winning projects, selected from amongst 150 candidatures, we engaged an international panel of expert judges to whom we at Opinno wish to extend our gratitude, as well as to the local Government of Buenos Aires, the Inter-American Development Bank, Cites and the City of Vicente Lopez for their support.

The aforementioned judges and collaborators, along with our team´s efforts in organizing the competition and the event and promoting the achievements of the award winners, have allowed us to define the final list of Innovators Under 35 Argentina and Uruguay 2015. These are their names and their projects:


Innovator of the YearGino Tubaro, 20. At the age of 19 he created a device that translates written text into braille in real time.  Projecto LIMBS / Atomic Lab.

Social InnovatorEmanuel Vilte, 33. His community of narrators reads internet content to the visually impared through an app. Linguoo.

Valentina Arriagada, 26. Her platform connects patients with renal failure with dialysis centers worldwide to facilitate their medical care. Connectus Medical.

Gustavo Bessone, 32. Created an intuitive platform to manage online advertising. Taggify.

Jimena González, 33. Created a gel for bandages that imitates human skin and improves the healing process for wounds and burns. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales de Argetina.

Ignacio Juárez, 33. His urban wind turbine, adapted to the Argentinian winds, is more efficient and economical. Semtive.

Patricio Jutard, 34. His digital platform Mural allows users to work collaboratively and creatively from any location. Mural.

Matías Kalwill, 34. His collaborative navigation app for cyclists aims to make urban traffic more sustainable. Bikestorming.

Pablo Orlando, 31. He aims to democratize autonomous vehicles through an artificial intelligence system. Inipop.

Nicolás Pereyra, 32. His smart books favor the use of computerized tools and their inclusion in primary education. EDU Editorial.

You can view the profiles of the winners of previous editions of Innovators Under 35 Argentina and Uruguay by MIT Technology Technology Review, Spanish Edition here.