A new opportunity
The opportunity to adopt a new model of remote work allows us to imagine, in the not too distant future, companies in which centralised work in large offices is not necessary and we can opt for a network of global and interconnected workers. According to the INE, in Spain only 27% of companies contemplate this type of work. This, despite the fact that it offers cost reduction benefits, allows for a greater flexibilidad of the workforce, increases productivity, facilitates work-life balance, and reduces absenteeism and stress among workers, among many other benefits.
Opinno Model
The key requirement for successfully tackling remote work is to ensure that teams continue to add value to the organisation on a recurring and iterative basis, which requires that objectives are correctly set, roles are well defined definidos, tasks are well distributed and the right tools are available.
The implementation of remote work based on agile work methodologies, with the appropriate use of the right tools, is the best alternative to maintain the productivity and efficiency of work teams in situations that limit physical presence among colleagues.
Link to the Manual of Remote Work of Opinno
Direct PDF link in Spanish
Direct download link from Opinno's website
Direct PDF link English
Direct download link from Opinno's website in English
Video about the manual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=_xeqT8asqDo&feature=emb_logo
Link to the Remote Working Protocol Opinno
Direct link PDF of the protocol in Spanish
Direct link to download the protocol from Opinno's website in Spanish