Opinno will be in charge of managing the program starting July 2014
Spain Tech Center is a public-private initiative between ICEX, Red.es and Banco Santander. Spain Tech Center (STC) is the landing platform in Silicon Valley where entrepreneurs and startups can find support and guidance to expand their business into the US market. STC has been in Silicon Valley for over three years, and it has worked with over 300 startups.
Elijah Rabek and Marcela Priwin from our Think team will lead the technology center from our San Francisco offices. The team will lead intensive programs with workshops and 1-on-1 expert mentoring sessions, as well as regular events to support and strengthen the community. STC welcomes all technology companies considering taking the leap to Silicon Valley, and encourages those ready to expand their business into the US market. The center provides logistic support and can point in the right direction for service providers during the hard process of moving to a new country.
Some of the companies that have recently worked with STC are: Womenalia, Bitext, Case or Etceter. Learn more about the initiative here: www.spaintechcenter.com and sign up for the newsletter so we can notify you with the coming new website and updates!