They are back! Opinno´s Master Breakfast have come to stay


This amazing space is ready to teach and connect professionals to Opinno´s employees. One hour to touch on important topics form health, technology, to social themes. The idea is to create a safe space where employees can expand their knowledge with professionals from different areas and also work on the human side fomenting a healthy environment that promotes personal and professional growth. 

For this edition of Master Breakfast, Alejandra Acosta, social entrepreneur, came to talk about her non-profit organization Break the Silence. Alejandra is a social worker who has specialized in social entrepreneurship, gender equality and human trafficking. Her TED talk, the slavery that surrounds us, has reached a great amount of views and likes, as she uncovers an ugly truth that many ignore. 

Alejandra´s dialogue focuses on human traffic, the exploitation system and sadly one of the most lucrative illegal industries. Her fight for this cause started when she was eighteen and met a human trafficking survivor at a conference. Since that day she made it her goal, she created a non profit organization that could help people trapped in that world.  One of her biggest issues was that she did not count with the resources necessaries to aid victims, so in order to make a difference, she employed the tools she did have, knowledge. 

BTS Opinno

Image source, Proyectobts Instagram

The idea was to reach possible victims of human trafficking so that they could avoid entering under false promises. Break the silence mission is to tear the censorship regarding sexual violence against women. For this, they give workshops to raise awareness in schools, cultural associations and any other space to help the fight against this reality. The workshops help sensitize people receiving them by making them co-creators of the experience, capacitating them to be agents of change, to be able to take action in their community and report against sexual abuse, slavery and gender-based violence. 

In her talk, Alejandra points out that ¨we are indifferent to slavery because we believe that there are lives that are worth more than others¨ and the way to change this is by generating a social conscience, making it a real problem for everyone is the way to end it. That's why education is key.  

Break the Silence has worked hand in hand with organizations like TEDx, the Vatican and the Thomson Reuthers Foundation. It has impacted more than 3,000 lives in 3 years and it keeps expanding. Let´s all become agents of change. 
