In times of crisis we always hear about innovation and, above all, business survival. Many companies are born and die in times of crisis. This survival is directly related to concepts of technology and innovation but, what is the relationship between the two? This is one of the questions posed by the students of the Universidad Europea of Madrid for CEO and founder of Opinno, Pedro Moneo.
In response, he ensured that these ideas have a strong link. Without one, you do not understand the other and both are needed to turn an idea into a success because, as he says, "Technology is the physical tool that transmits knowledge and helps accelerate and facilitate innovation."
Another question raised is a matter that many of us are familiar with. The famous phrase 'reinvent or die' makes more sense in times of crisis, as well as current technologically crucial and accelerated times, but should that saying be taken literally?
The explanation Moneo gives for this problem is that the rapid pace of technological innovation is revolutionizing society at an increasingly shorter period of time. Therefore, companies are no longer able to maintain the same business model for a long time and must constantly evolve. "It doesn’t matter if you're big or small, public or private, if you do not reinvent, you die," he states.
Uniqueness and visibility are also present in the business world and more specifically in the field of innovation and technology in which everything changes overnight, thus you need to know how to grow and share ideas. "Throughout my career, each time I've been in front of very powerful people, they are the ones who tell you their ideas because they are looking for cooperation," says the successful entrepreneur.
In this area, patents are of great importance. "Patents were created to foster innovation," Moneo said while emphasizing their role, "patents are a way of protecting the holding rights of intellectual property that someone has created.” He also identified some drawbacks such as the duration of the patent compared to the acceleration of technology and the changes it involves, describing this fact as being "very doubtful" in the current scenario.