The CEO and founder of Opinno, Pedro Moneo, was awarded the prestigious Eisenhower Fellowship, an award granted to the entrepreneurial leaders of various fields.
Eisenhower Fellowships is a foundation that was conceived in America in memory of President Dwight David Eisenhower. Since 1953, it has carried out tasks based on researching and identifying outstanding emerging leaders throughout the world in order to facilitate their integration in the United States through various programs.
Thus, this selective scholarship program seeks to enhance the professional skills of the lucky recipients, in addition to assisting them in expanding their list of contacts and growing their perspective future progress in their fields of specialty.
These scholarships contain great prominent and intellectual value by the number of people who have received them; 1,600, among whom are prominent political leaders such as presidents, ministers and secretaries of state in addition to prominent business and university leaders whose main objective is to promote international dialogue, understanding and cooperation.
The program has had numerous presidents of high standing including George H.W. Bush and Gerald Ford.
In order to provide some background information, we have named some of the winners in previous editions in Spain:
- Alfonso Vegara Gómez, urban architect, economist, sociologist, Chairman of Fundación Metrópoli and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Eisenhower Fellowship.
- Aurelio Martínez Estévez, President of the Official Credit Institute (ICO) , Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Valencia, Chief of Cabinet of the Prime Minister (Economy) being Prime Minister Felipe González Márquez of Spain, Minister of Economy of the Generalitat Valenciana and PSOE Mayoral Candidate for Valencia City Council.
- Fernando Ballestero Diaz, Chief of the Permanent Representation of Spain for the OECD, former Director of Service Studies and company planning for Auna Telecommunications.
- Andrés Pedroza Muñoz , Director of the Institute for International Economics, University of Alicante (UA), former president of the UA, and ex -CEO of Universia.
- Manuel Desantes Real, President of the European Patent Office (EPO) headquartered in Munich, Professor of Private International Law.
- Rafael Repullo, Directorof CEMFI, the Center for Monetary and Financial Studies, an institution created by the Bank of Spain in 1987.
The recognition that comes from being awarded the Eisenhower Fellowship undoubtedly signifies an important step forward in global recognition on a personal level for the entrepreneur, Pedro Moneo, and for the company he leads: Opinno.