Environmental information and its evolution through innovation and technology has become increasingly significant in business communication.

As part of our collaboration and because we are always looking for communicative efficiency, at Opinno we contribute to the informative action of the Repsol Foundation’s Entrepreneurs Fund on important matters such as the environment.

The Repsol Foundation Entrepreneurs Fund is an initiative framed within the Repsol Group strategy to improve the sustainability of current energy models.

There are different ways to embark on leading a business to success, and every entrepreneur, along with their business, will decide on it. The liability of a company can focus fully and almost exclusively on law enforcement, yet in other cases, the majority of them today extend social responsibility to the commitment that a company assumes with the environment and all it entails.


More and more, large businesses are concerned about their external image towards their audience and have added importance as to how to convey this concern. So much so, that environmental communication is being supported as a new branch of information which is just as important as any other.

The environment should be respected and cared for by companies without obligations. Communication that presents the projects launched by the business should be responsible for reflecting this investment as a safe and necessary commitment and not an external area of production that has an expense that could be avoided.

Technology is increasingly integrated into all current topics; it is opening space in the new energy saving systems, among others. Therefore, both the application of technology and innovation in this business environment is knowing how to communicate its use and its unquestionable value within the scope of the objectives.