Multiple companies from around the world that implement technological solutions to create an impact in their community and solve challenges have gathered in Start4big. 

Start4big is the first cross-sector open innovation platform in Europe, it is promoted by Aigües de Barcelona, ​​CaixaBank, Naturgy, SEAT and Telefónica. Start4big goal is to find start-ups that are willing to propose a technological change and adapt it in order to create an impact on the customers.

Something that has to be managed

There are important challenges that appear while these companies are doing the work and so they need to find innovative ways to tackle them.

 First of all, strengthening consumption at homes, cars and other foundations. To succeed, companies try to find ways that would guarantee the security of operations and the use of personal data.

Secondly, reducing the costs of goods and services as well as online transactions. In order to be distinctive, large corporations must find new ways to collect and make use of the data to offer their customers new goods and services, resulting in the improvement of the customers’ experience based on their current and future needs.

Another challenge that can surface is that businesses have to enhance the communication between devices and support customers throughout their journey. To succeed, companies would try to achieve a remote connection between different systems to be able to show processes and services realistically.

At the same time, it is essential to give more attention to developing products that would help achieving zero-waste goal. In other words, the production and recycling processes should be based on the principles of the circular economy. 




From Industry to Start-up

The First Wave of innovation selection process has been successfully completed, 32 international and 76 internal judges made the evaluation and chose the 40 best applicants who had entered the final stage.

On the 23rd of October, Start4big launched the new platform to compete, called “Kick-off the Second Innovation Wave” and on the 31st of October participants and partners began working on those projects. The main aim of the competition is to strengthen both national and international enterprising structure and to invent the new collaboration model. In fact, there are many chances to apply as each cycle lasts 6 months. This time 57% of participants turned out to be from Spain and the remaining 43% came from countries such as Germany, Chile, Finland, United Arab Emirates, Mexico, and others. 

There is no cost of participation as well as any limit on the number of participants, so that gives a better possibility to intervene in the competition.
