After 34 months of hard work, Smart Venture Capital has arrived along with their program Inncorpora, finished successfully by our yellow team. This is one of the projects that has been selected by the Ministry of Science and Innovation
Its launch will be on the 1st of July, a day in which the first beta version will be issued, the primary technological prototype specialized in the valuation of ideas and investors.
Its main novelty is the joint use of social networks and semantics.
Christian Schmidt, Head of Projects in Labs, assures that, in essence, the work of the team has consisted in gather information from the web and social networks, especially ideas with potential and investors interested in financing new businesses.
For this, they have used semantic search engines, finding the main news articles and sources related to Startups and financial agents, with the aim to carry out a final evaluation for each one of them.
By doing this, a possible investor looking for projects can use the publication as a guide to find all the SmartVCap businesses. The same thing will happen with those looking for financing, so that they can see the profiles of the most suited investors for their type of business. This is how the website looks:
As we can see, the platform isn’t a social network. Actually, it doesn’t have tools such as “chat”. It aims to be a simple guide that serves a form of contact for all of those interested in the Startup world.
With this, they look to solve a very relevant problem: the restriction in investment funds subject to capital risk in technological based companies.
Actually, the platform leaves conventional ways of financing to one side as they look to get closer to the Internet world. They are generating new ways of donating and lending lead by non-professionals that are interested in investing in new projects. An example of this is “crowdfunding”.
The prototype will serve in the future for the development of tools that ease the interaction between people and new technology based businesses with acceptable potential to succeed, always easing the confluence between innovation and investment.