Innovation communication and the exchange of knowledge is enriching for companies that are starting up or developing. For this, Opinno Innocenters organized a meeting with some of the start-ups that are working in our co-working space in Madrid.


Bla Bla Car. Bla Bla Car lets users optimize searches and simplify the organization of their trip: solo drivers publish their journey online and interested passengers can get in contact with them (sharing tolls and petrol prices). These arrangements have always existed, but the success of Bla Bla Car resides in in taking the service onto an online platform. Consists in the largest online petitions platform in the world. The objective of is the good of society, continuously reinventing itself in order to offer the best service to its users and being a positive disruption for millions of people protests. 

Red Karaoke. Something as healthy as living to sing is what Red Karaoke proposes under the slogan “We love singing”. In Red Karaoke “they love to sing” and that’s why they have created the first multiplatform and multi-device online karaoke, where you can have access with one account and any device with connection to the Internet. Respecting copyright regulation, Red Karaoke consolidates an average of 20 successful karaoke’s a week (including the first automatic personalized recommendation system). 

Andrés Martínez Ricci Illustration. Andrés Martínez Ricci’s illustrations have been prized in many different environments for example newspapers, magazines, publicity, prestigious editorials (Oxford University Press, Macmilla, Pearson and Harcourt), animation multinationals (Disney and Cartoon Network), amongst others. 


The representatives of each start-up told the rest their business model and the challenges they are facing. For Andrés Martínez, from Andrés Martínez Ricci Illustrations, working with Opinno’s co-working is "key to having –in his case- a solo business en”. “The meeting was motivational when it came to sharing daily occurrences with professionals from other areas, making it an enriching experience” said Ricci. Jose Manuel Rodriguez, Red Karaoke’s Madrid director, believes that on first glance “you can see lots of enthusiasm to collaborate”. “You can tell that the teams and people have lots of challenges in common so we can share solutions”. Albert Medrán, from, is also convinced that the advantages of working in a space with other startups. “Every day we share the space with very talented people that understand the value of innovation. We have had the opportunity to get to know each other more and see what synergies can occur”, he commented.