From our offices in Mexico we have developed the Televia Innovation Hackaton - an event where creative minds will come together to promote the development of collaborative sustainable mobility solutions.

The open call for applications was launched last Thursday, March 22. From the pool of applications, a team of judges will select the 40 best ideas that will have the opportunity participate in the InnovAccionTeleVía Hackathon that will take place in Mexico City from May 5 - 6, 2018.

The event will focus on challenges relating to: the use of data generated by customers who are not Televia customers, effective communication of valuable information relating to transportation and the environment, as well as the improvement of highway infrastructure and technology for the environment.

innovacion Televía

Participants can apply until April 6 through as individuals or in teams. During the event, selected candidates will receive mentoring in design thinking and lead startup methodologies from experts, who will also present awards to the candidates with the best solutions to the challenges.