Four women and six men make up the list of the 2014 winners selected by the Spanish edition of the ‘MIT Technology Review’

The talent and ingeniuity that hides within Spanish territory has been, once again, discovered and recognized thanks to the MIT Technology Review in Spanish. The magazine, published by Opinno, has just announced the winners of the Under 35 Innovators award 2014 in the country.

Four women and six men between 28 and 34 have been chosen to make up the list of winner of the fourth edition of the awards celebrated in Spain. Their work represents the most pioneering, visionary, entrepreneurial, inventive and humanitarian ideas in the country. Being mentioned in the magazine will help them become some of the young leaders in the field technology.

The selection has been made from over 100 candidates and is compiled of innovators from the fields of energy, I.T, telecommunications, biotechnology, materials and Internet, amongst others. All of them form part of a network of global innovation integrated by past winners from each regional edition. The winners have been selected by an expert judging panel made up of the most important personalities in the world of entrepreneurialism. 


Amongst the projects selected for the MIT Technology Review 2014 Under 35 Innovators in Spain are those that use emerging technology. An example of this is the tubular micro-robots whose design aims to transport sperm, decontaminate water and transport medicines inside cells. Also, a new bioactive and resorbable material that improves bone implants and a kit capable of fast-forwarding the diagnosis of heart attacks.  

Another part of the awarded projects shows technological ingenuity. This is the case of the I.T application that aims to improve reading and writing for those with dyslexia and use numeric tools that allow the maximization the underground CO2 storage process of storage or predict how prostate cancer will evolve within each patient.

The award ceremony will take place on the 12th and 13th of November in Valencia during the celebration of the most important emerging technologies congress in Spain: EmTech. During the meeting, organized by Opinno, the ten winners will have the opportunity to present their projects to an audience of world-class entrepreneurs.

With the intention of discovering talent and supporting innovation in many different countries, Opinno has collaborated in the organization of these awards in Spain since 2011. Given the values that the company shares with the objectives of the awards, based on looking at the world in the different way through technology, innovation and entrepreneurialism and solving the problems faced by society, there are currently ten regional editions that Opinno coordinates every year all over the world.

Discovering technological investigations that determine and contribute to social and equitable development over the last decade will continue to be a challenge and objective for Opinno. The bestowal of these awards is destined to support talented young people and represent one of the tools with which the company hopes to make its small contribution to the world.

Click here to find out who the ten chosen ones are and what they do. (Spanish)