The initiative recognizes the 21 best telecommunications applications in the world, like a version of Whatsapp privacy-enhancing
The number of application developers, will suffer an increase from the million there were in 2013 to 2.8 million in 2018, according to the consultant GigaOM. In this haystack of professionals it is essential to find the needles, resulting in the best and most useful ideas. This is the objective of TADHack, an annual event whose latest edition recognized the 21 best application projects in telecommunication.
The winners were selected from all of the profiles collect by the TADSummit initiative (Summit of Telecommunications Applications Developers), that each year acts a meeting point for the professionals in this field. Opinno is a partner of TADSummit, with which it collaborates though its Competitions department. The objective of this collaboration is to offer its accumulated knowledge about the most ground-breaking professionals in the field.
Of the 40 profiles proposed by Opinno, seven of them managed to get one of the 21 prizes awarded at TADHack 2014, which took place on 6th and 7th June in Madrid (Spain). Twenty of the awards involve the support of $1,000 (about 800 euros) each and are bestowed by six recognized companies such as Huawei, Google and Oracle. Finally, the non-profit foundation Geeks Without Bounds, delivered a special mention devoid of economic value.
All of the winners will face each other again in the 2014 edition of TADSummit, which starts tomorrow in Istanbul (Turkey). The event will allow them to present their projects on stage to try to attract the attention of investors, developers and those interested in the world of telecommunications who can help them vent their ideas.
One of the Opinno’s proposals that managed to take second prize is Google's Whastpeer. It is an online messaging service based on WebRTC (Real-time web communication) that provides a higher level of security and therefore a higher level of privacy for users. Bridge, another of the proposals suggested by Opinno won the Truphone's second prize. It's a platform for sharing wifi networks.
The collaboration of Opinno and TADSummit to propose these profiles has been carried out in three ways. The first is based on a knowledge network of profiles of the brightest young people that the company has acquired through every edition of the MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35awards worldwide and the EmTech emerging technologies conferences. Second, Opinno's partners have expanded the network of professional acquaintances. Finally, the company has contributed to the dissemination of the summons through their social networks aimed at promoting entrepreneurship and innovation.
The search, recognition and support for young talent is one of the pillars of Opinno, as exemplified by some of its most important projects. However, the company does not intend to limit this effort to its own activities and therefore considers it essential to collaborate with initiatives like TADSummit which shares these goals. The stimulation of the most innovative minds is that which enables the transformation of society to make the world a fairer place.