The one page design and responsive format are the key design elements which optimize the features of the web page and make it vibrant.

Consumers want internet content to have the same appearance and functionality, irrespective of whether they connect via computer, tablet or smartphone. To adapt to this tendency and modernize their web presence, the communications consultancy firm Round Earth Consulting has entrusted the creation of their new website to our Labs department.

The team achieved the web page´s adaptability and modern design through the one page web format, in other words the full content of the website is condensed into one page. “This format is more appropriate for mobile phones and tablets since the user is not required to jump from one page to the next,” explains the programmer from the Labs department at Opinno, Christian Schmidt.

Besides representing a solid option for smartphones and tablets, the one page design poses other advantages. Since the content is displayed on one page, “you can spare the user the inconvenience of searching for hyperlinks, since he or she already has a global vision of the full content”, says Borja de Vega, from the Design team at Opinno, and he adds, “everything is based on scrolling, which is the most intuitive action for internet users.”

Round Earth Consulting was looking for a design that would allow the user to learn about their full portfolio of activities and services at a glance. De Vega explains our proposal: “Direct navigation translates into a higher conversion rate by facilitating user access to services.” In order for these functionalities to be adapted to all types of devices, a responsive design was employed, which automatically adjusts the web content to any device.

The combination of the one page format and the responsive design makes the Round Earth Consulting website available from any device, without any loss of functionality or appeal. “After considering several options, the company decided on Opinno because we understood their vision and how the internet works today”, Schmidt continues, as he highlights the speed of the process, “We designed a high quality website in two [weeks]”.

This new website can be added to the list of those which our company has developed for other organizations. We have designed the new ii Awards’ website to show its new image, also generated by the company. In addition, it has also designed the IE’s Alumni Forum’s new website and created a ticketing platform

The effort to keep abreast of the latest trends is part of our corporate spirit. As an innovation consultancy, the company is at the forefront of design and the development of technological solutions for businesses. Because in today's rapidly changing world, innovation is not just a business model, but also a survival strategy.
