Our Labs team participates in organizing the first edition of the workshop taught by Google 'Google Cloud Platform Iberian Tour 2014'.
It is a trail of workshops that travel to different Spanish cities, spreading and introducing concepts to those interested in their core products. In Spain, there will be three different meetings held in Barcelona, Madrid and Castellón during the month of May and several interesting topics, useful for the future of startups, will be discussed.
It is directed towards all those interested in the development of SMEs and Startups or those who intend on starting a short or medium term project by using Google cloud.
The main objective is to teach in two sessions, each lasting four hours, the skills needed to get started on their own projects and select the Google Cloud tools that best suit their needs.
Professionals such as Andrés Leonardo Martínez, Google Developer Relations, as well as Nacho Coloma and Javier Ramirez will discuss the basics of App Engine, Compute Engine and BigQuery products.
To know more about these tools, we will briefly explain what they are. App Engine allows you to create your own applications with the flexibility and power necessary to meet the needs of the business.
BigQuery manages information without installing or maintaining a server, benefiting from a fully managed system for data analysis.
Compute Engine carries out large-scale workloads running on virtual machines hosted in Google's infrastructure.
A great opportunity to start becoming familiarized with the tools that can bring to new businesseswhat is now expected of them: dynamism and agility.