New technologies are transforming the way we live our lives and perform in the world of work. It’s fundamental to keep abreast of the constant changes.
Event organization has become an important strategy years that enhances the image and prestige of companies. Right now, event organization has become an opportunity for companies wishing to establish contact with clients and attract new talent.

We know how important an event can be for a company. For this reason we wanted to move beyond simple logistics and to reinvent the classic concept of event organization and promotion to bring it into closer line with the digital world.
Companies linked to technology, real estate and leisure sectors, among others, tend to be innovative when it comes to organizing their own events, and it is safe to say that it is these companies which manage to be inclusive, progressive and pragmatic where the adaptation of new trends and innovation is concerned.

Events are the meeting point between technology, art and marketing. We provide a platform, the service of which is to make each event a unique and unforgettable experience specifically suited to the demands of individual companies. In other words, we not only organize the event, but also accompany the client throughout the process of execution.
Events helps a company involve their audience through accessible digital platforms that allow the company to design the event from start to finish. Providing a better understanding of the attendees’ profile, their interests and how they came about the event is valuable at the organization and planning stages.
Reach your target customer and convert their interest in direct sales, faster.
Confirm purchases and ticket downloads via the same platform.
Integrate publicity, public relations and direct marketing. Optimal use of integrated communication will allow events to acquire more notice and the effects will be longer lasting.
Decisions regarding the format and programming of the event will no longer be the sole responsibility of the organizer, but will include the active participation of assistants in the planning process. Thanks to social networks and other mechanisms that allow us access to events’ audiences and their opinions, the formats of events can be better and more readily adapted to attendees’ expectations.
Loyalty to your target customers.
A secure optimized purchase flow that can scan tickets from any device.

At Opinno we help make the event – its organization, ticket sales and promotion – unforgettable, not only for the companies who request our service, but, above all, for the attendees, who will leave one of our events impressed and satisfied.