Encouraging entertainment & modernizing the industry

With Spain being one of the most visited countries on the planet, the national tourist industry is among the most diverse and developed in the world. However, not all areas of the industry are as streamlined as they might be if they are to capture the vast potential of the tourism sector.

Despite Spain being crowned the most competitive country in the world for tourism by the World Economic Forum in 2017, there is still room for improvement. Opinno has been instrumental in helping one of the country’s leading companies deliver that push forward in the Spanish tourism industry.

Acttiv, Spain’s market leader in the leisure and entertainment industry, called on Opinno to devise a solution that automates the management of their internal leisure and entertainment products. Until Opinno stepped in, these systems were managed offline with Office applications such as Excel and Word – untenable for a leading company in the sector when you consider the numbers: 84 million visitors came to Spain in 2017 compared with 75 million the previous year. This is according to a study conducted by CaixaBank Research. The industry is crucial to the Spanish economy where it represents 16% of the GDP.

From improvisation to automation

Faced with this challenge, we at Opinno aimed to unify key processes which interpret the internal data at Acttiv. We were asked to analyze Acttiv’s processes of planning and validation of their PIAs (internal entertainment programs), as well as to help digitalize them.

How did the Opinno team achieve this goal? We designed a digital space which is multifunctional: it is a site for the data storage of the company’s entertainment programs and a place where personnel availability can be accessed in real time. A digital space all those involved in the management of this leader-in-the- sector can share.

To do this our developers created an interactive prototype through which the company’s original proposal could be validated. The Opinno team dedicated three months to the planning of this project; our commitment to Acttiv and its needs was clear throughout. Put simply, our priority during that stage of the project was to define concrete objectives for the design of the prototype.  Once installed, the prototype we created became a digital solution which then grew legs.


From micro to macro: a 3-month project becomes a 3-year macro solution

Acttiv was so satisfied with the final product they requested an extension to their project with Opinno.

Acttiv would like to extend the process of automatization to include all company processes and tools on one digital platform. That way Acttiv can process all data provident from the hotel sector in the most efficient way.

Acttiv and Opinno – leading the way on the digitalization of one of Spain’s vital industries.