New factors in the business sector, such as globalization, the speed of change, and high competition make innovation the main axis of the transformation and growth of companies.


For this, it is necessary that organizations are more agile, that their employees have a culture of innovation and intrapreneurship that serves both to adapt to the changes of the future, and to know how to get the most out of each of them.To overcome these tendencies, Opinno proposed to an important credit institution to initiate a cultural t

Transformation program that seeks to change to an agile and innovative culture. This change is deployed by the workers themselves. For this transformation to be effective, it will be focused on the commercial action protocol.


The objectives of the project were

  • Define the content, messages, and best practices to be deployed for cultural transformation based on agile and customer-focused innovation

  • Identify key profiles within the organization that will serve as a spearhead for cultural transformation

  • Train the viralizers of cultural transformation in the defined content

  • Support during cultural transformation, monitoring, and coaching