A tool that allows to detail the prioritized idea, defining its solution value proposal, functionalities and key benefits for the user
What for?
Detail the prioritized idea in a detail way taking into account the core value it brings to the user and the most relevant features to understand the solution as a whole
Step by step
- Define the value proposition of the solution
- Co-create a name for the business solution
- It details the key benefits and most relevant functionalities for the user experience and development of the complete service
Tips for usage
To help in the understanding of the value proposition, similar existing solutions can be referenced to help frame the one developed in the manifesto
If the value proposition is valid for more than one archetype of those studied in the project, indicate which archetypes would use that product and service and why
It includes the value proposal of a "Solution Journey" that indicates the flow of use and the different functionalities of the product or service by the user
Financing sector project, by Olga Guisado Fernández