The Digital Revolution has brought two key sectors together in mutually rewarding ways: private sector companies need talented individuals to deal with the changes the digital transformation brings, while young school-leavers need professional training to engage with the job market.

When the needs of two sectors dovetail succinctly in this way, real opportunities are created for all involved. But how can companies reach out to the young professionals they seek? How can these individuals acquire the acumen necessary to meet the challenges of employment in a changing business sector?

To offer concrete solutions questions like these, Opinno created the Proyecto DITEC (a double qualification in technological competencies and entrepreneurship) – launched by Bankia, the INCYDE Foundation and part-funded by the European Social Fund. Proyecto DITEC is devised to equip young professionals with a comprehensive range of quality professional skills – specialized, cutting-edge digital competencies coupled with entrepreneurial leadership skills.


At the start of April this year, one such group of young and talented students were put through the rigors of DITEC Project objectives at the I.E.S. Leonardo Da Vinci high school in Albacete. 13 school-leavers were trained in cutting-edge digital skills and competencies as preparation for the job market and 13 local companies were involved in the project.

Marta Franco, the head of Opinno Academy was there to open the proceedings at the school. Alongside her were representatives from the Project Department of Bankia and other companies who were collaborating in the scheme.


By the end of the course, students were equipped with knowledge of concepts such as digital marketing, the digitalization process, an initiation into the concept of User Experience Design and programming.