Two Fridays a month, we will provide our employees with internal training sessions taught by our expert team members or guests.
Since employees are the most valuable asset to the company and their training is a key factor to their motivation, Opinno will hold a new initiative that is consistent in training sessions to make this goal clear. This action follows the trail of success left by the last conference on the 'HTML and CSS' tools taught by our colleagues from the Labs Department.
May 23 is the anticipated date for the kick-off of these internal conferences that are set to take place every other Friday, lasting approximately two hours.
The sessions will be taught by experts in particular topics that may be outsiders or team members who want to share their knowledge with other colleagues.
Thus, to know their preferences and the topics that best meet their needs, the Department of Human Resources will send an online questionnaire within the next few days.
Along the same lines, materials to support or reinforce the topics will be distributed, such as MOOC, online audiovisual training that allows working or developing skills through agendas divided into several installments.
With these support sessions, everything taught in the classroom by the expert will be reinforced interactively by different videos. Furthermore, following the vision of these learning sessions, this platform allows an evaluation of knowledge before proceeding with the training.
Moreover, with respect to continuing in investing in the team's training, they will also be informed about training scholarships offered by the School of Business Administration (EAE), covering 50% of the cost in Masters and Advanced Programs in Finance, MBA, Marcom, etc., both on-campus and part-time attendance. To find all of the information about these scholarships, go to the following link:Scholarships offered by the School of Business Administration (EAE).