"I do not know if I am an entreprenuer or a starter" With these words John Gasca, founder and CEO of Thinkers Co., began his presentation of the workshop "Human Centered Design: our client as a catalyst for innovation." The open course took place on Tuesday June 11 on the third floor of Opinno, and was structured around three strong points: the identification and definition of the challenge (Design challenge) generating business ideas and rapid prototyping solutions, and co-creation with the client.


Juan Gasca began the workshop by noting that "traditional marketing does not work" in the global market in which we live where more and more competitors appear each day. When stuck at this crossroads, the user-centered design appears as a valid response, halfway between technology and humanism. The key to success in a business is the design and the reinvention of its business model, not so concerned with the "how", but with who is there and where. Defining himself as a "creator of ideas," Gasca summed up his way of working in five points in a cyclical process: identifying the problem, defining the challenge, building ideas, testing and co-creation with the client and redefining the concept .

This work model proposed by Juan Gasca was seen in practice with the  workshop attendees. In groups of four these were presented to three fictional characters and had to design the solution to their hypothetical problem by considering potential problems, interpreting the challenge, and prototyping the solution. The final conclusion was characterized by innovating in products/services and the ability of any person to solve a problem with the right tools.
