The Spanish ICT industry may become an engine of growth and job creation in our economy, which was reflected in the XXVII Telecommunications Meeting, held this week in Santander.

Within this context, Santiago Roura, CEO of the consulting and technology company Indra, presented the study " Digital Economy and ICT: building global capabilities". It emphasized the international recognition enjoyed by the Spanish software industry and examined the challenges it faces and opportunities to be seized.

The study shows that many international companies have chosen our country to implement its specialized technology development centers and that the software and telecommunications industry requires especially important efforts in R & D & i, to tailor solutions, processes and methodologies to the demands of the market. However, the sector is not immune to the current economic situation, which is affecting its historical growth model. Indra shows that the industry will be forced to respond to a series of short-term challenges, such as reducing levels of local investment or consolidation of the international activities of large companies. In this regard, the company indicates that the reconsideration of outsourcing provides a good opportunity to overcome these challenges, such as, supporting local recruitment. Companies are realizing that the wage cost is not the only cost of the service and consider elements such as the maturity of the organization, productivity, incidental or criticality of processes.


Spain is the second European country with the highest number of smart phones and tablets, therefore representing an opportunity for business. According Roura, it is necessary to encourage the creation of technology-based start-ups that respond to these new demands of society and foster an entrepreneurial ecosystem in this field. For example, the new APP economy (the business related to developing and selling apps for smartphones) prompted the development of more than 1.5 million apps in 2012, generating over 1.1 billion euros.

It is shown that an investment in ICT, in any industry, causes an increase in productivity. Specifically, in the OECD countries, ICT has caused an increase in productivity by over 50% in the last decade. However, to continue this trend, a strategy for its development is needed. In order for this industry to be positioned as a generator of stable and quality employment in Spain, it is necessary for, first, a public policy designed to encourage its development, as well as, other companies with leading skills and a global vocation. Ultimately, it is essential to have an education system with the ability and willingness to train future professionals in information technology and communication.

Santiago Roura is convinced that "the ICT industry in Spain should become an engine of growth for the Spanish economy", with a special focus on employing the youth. To do this, a strong commitment must be made from all institutional and private areas to give greater visibility to the ICT sector in Spain and projecting outward.