In a past article,new ways to innovate were pointed out, and disputed for what I called palimpsest innovation. That innovation which is achieved when innovators overlap layers of meaning in terms of its interpretation and creativity within a given context.
With that in mind, a few days ago I read an article on the characteristics of independent artists ( and the decalogue called my attention, I noticed it coincided with the characteristics of an innovator. These are the characteristics mentioned in function of a palimpsest innovation.
1. "They take risks in doing what they have always wanted to do." Risk is an inherent characteristic of innovation, however to assume the risks that have been contemplated for a long time, make the creativity coupled with innovative endeavor layer more meaningful.
2. "They find a way for self-managed funding: from reinvesting income, family loans and even selling beer". This characteristic of independent artists resembles the recursion characteristic of palimpsest innovators. They conjugate the verb recycle in the best way. They are experts in selling their ideas within any hierarchy and financial resources come in dribs and drabs and not necessarily as large risk capital. From there to rely on other businesses (projects), outside or inside the company, not be an activity of scattered efforts but to think about the layer of meaning from other meanings.
3. "Looking for a niche that has gone unnoticed by the traditional market." Perhaps this is the day to day of meaningful innovation, that is, seeing through the cracks of market flaws.
4. "Go back to the simple things." Meaningful innovation in the workplace is nothing more than rescuing the fundamentals of a good or service in terms of its functionality. Think about the example of supermarket shoppingcart from IDEO:
5. "They don't worry too much about changing the markets logic. They like capitalism." The palimpsest innovation bets on layers of creativity with meaning within a commercial context as an artistic performance.
6. “They experiment with different types of art: from composing a song to photography there is only one step." Innovation through layers of meaning is based on the multi-trades and versatile worker.
7. "They all come equipped with a good computer that allows them to create and to network with their peers." This characteristic reminds us that today's innovative ethnographers logs or the notes of creative philosophers are read and applied better from a tablet.
8. "They have patience and are wise. An independent project does not prevail overnight". New innovators are very familiar with Picasso’s lesson, “Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working.”
9. "They are stubborn, they are constantly moving and they never forget that they are their own best promoters." So it is, palimpsest innovators have created and sold themselves. They are their own performance.
10. “They stop thinking about the professions to pursue a trade". Perhaps this is the distinctive feature of a palimpsest innovator. They are the trade. The trade is the meaning and do so to create meaning. Lowering the profession to a trade does not diminish it, just remember the essence of innovation in an artist and in products with meaning.
Jesus Perdomo is a Business Administration professor, at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá (Colombia). There he specializes in innovation and how to combine management and design.