Opinno’s Madrid headquarters were the location of a special company event that took place recently, attended by more than 150 employees. The focus of the leadership seminar was to transmit the company’s grand vision for digital innovation to its employees; the mentoring was delivered by company directors and advisors.

Pedro Moneo, Opinno’s CEO, delivered the first section of the in-house seminar when he addressed Opinno members on the essence of the company’s vision. He described his perception of the future as the power of collaborative thinking to generate the kind of innovation that has real impact across all sectors. When he mentions impact, he’s really talking about changing the world at the micro level, as if by pipette, through advances in industry that come about due to the power of innovative thinking – two heads are better than one, as the saying goes.

Besides this vision, Pedro went on to talk about the accompanying work Opinno has been involved in across the globe: projects around the world as well as relationships which have sprung out of the company’s alliance with global leaders in strategy and innovation in business, MIT technology review and HBR.


His follow-up to the international company profile was a confirmation of Opinno’s mission. This was underlined by a statement, which described it thus: Opinno stands for the transformation of organizations using methodologies invented by start ups and entrepreneurs. Perhaps the mission is best illustrated, however, in the company’s values, which Pedro drew together as the following:

  • In leadership: shine

  • With creativity: dare

  • In development: master

  • In collaboration: connect

  • When sharing: care

  • When generating impact: change

The second part was delivered by Tomasso Canonici, director of Opinno Europe, who presented the accounts for Opinno for 2017. He also spoke about the challenges ahead for the whole team.


In particular, he outlined the shape of challenges facing the new office in Barcelona and what would be the growth indicators for the company’s international push outwards. He also gave special emphasis to the NPS results of customer experience and business growth, as well as employee engagement levels in Opinno’s eNPS results.

Tomasso went on to point out the kind of concrete objectives Opinno will need to maintain in sight as a company that provides quality, impact and innovation in the services it offers. He also underlined the need to increase involvement in projects that demonstrate the company’s compromise in the social sector. He concluded his address with the following quote by Leonardo da Vinci: ‘Great men begin great works. The worker completes them.’


The final part of the leader development seminar was composed of the different company department leaders delivering their take on the challenges that face them in 2018 and how the collaborative impetus will help tackle them.