Juan Verde, the co-director of the Barack Obama political campaign and his economic adviser, about sustainability and the Hispanic community. He told us what the secret ingredients behind Obama’s success in the United States were and how it was the integration of such that caused his campaign to knock out everything that was seen before.
Opinno. A person with your experience in the world of politics until 2008, how do you suddenly face a campaign like the one Obama proposed, that changes all models up until now?
Juan Verde. First, with humility. Secondly, understanding that you do not have all the answers and there are people who wanted to do things differently and I think that gave us, (coming from Hilary’s campaign) a lot of confidence within a new innovative team like them and with an absolutely different approach which made us an inevitable option for them.
O. Changing from one campaign to another, could such situation happen in Spanish politics?
J.V. I think it's a matter of the culture in the United States. It would be unthinkable here in Spain and in many other countries; the fact that professional political advisors could change from one party to another without a problem, unite and work as a team. That is a sign of humility.
O. At any time after joining the Obama campaign did you think that what they proposed to you was crazy since everything that you understood to be a ‘political campaign’ was completely turned upside down?
J.V. Yes absolutely. In fact, I talk about this in my book, in one of the chapters. To a considerable extent, Obama's victory had much to do with the fact that he had nothing to lose. He was willing to do things in a completely different way, starting with himself. He is the great ambassador for the phrase 'If you want change, change yourself'. He is an innovator who has revolutionized politics.
O. Was that another key to his victory?
J.V. You cannot do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. They have to change you, your personality, your way of doing things, a way of seeing the world and of course that, for me, was one of the keys to Obama’s victory: the ability to innovate, not so much communication but also, innovating, breaking the mold, giving opportunities, believing in young people...
O. Young people, very important in both corporate and political environments; what was changed in this campaign in regards to the youth?
J.V. Meritocracy. Not judging people without knowing the results they produce, not branding young people as inexperienced, but rather believe in them and bet on them, and if they give results, reward them for it.
O. You innovated for the first time, in 2008, successfully. How did you reengage that success in 2012 to ensure that people continued to believe in Obama and his promises?
J.V. The year 2008 was more of a novelty, it was more of an illusion injected into the system, but in 2012 it was different. Because we gained more 80% volunteers and raised double the money. Why? Because the second time around, we did not allow the campaign to be an 8 month, 9 month or even a yearlong event. We knew that the day after the 2008 elections we had to start preparing the next one because we knew that, ultimately, the key to victory was going to be social mobilization ... something that is missing in Spain.
O. How fast are the changes stemming from the success of the 'Obama Method' that have been introduced in all American political parties going to be made?
J.V. In 2008, he began the change. In 2012, these radical changes were seen and there is no turning back. It's a matter of speed that is yet to be seen.
O. Finally, to link the fields of politics and business, what are the aspects of the Obama campaign that you would apply to business innovation?
J.V. First you have to change the internal culture of the company or institution in which you must invite people to not be afraid of innovating; innovation must be part of your DNA. Second, you should believe in meritocracy, merit has to be the main factor which will compensate the people involved in it. And finally, keep in mind that not only is it worth having good people, but also have the technological ability to be able to use technological advances and all that that they entail.