‘Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.’ Lou Holtz.

Employee’s motivation is an essential aspect of the performance of a business but, do you know how to retain it?

Who hasn’t felt out of place at one time or another? Who hasn’t ever lost motivation? It’s common to sometimes feel that you lose motivation for some aspects of your life or that you don’t do things with as much enthusiasm as you used to.


It’s normal, at certain times, to feel demotivated, but there are some things we can do to help retain the motivation necessary to work to your full potential, here are just some of them:

1. It’s not about an award, but about courage and purpose

In numerous occasions we carry out tasks just to receive the award at the end, usually economic. This isn’t positive and won’t create optimum results. If you do this for a period of time, little by little it will start to demotivate you…

This is why it’s important to find the real value of things, and above all, do things for your own satisfaction, and not because of external factors. If you make this work, you will be on your way to feeling more motivated.

2. Learn to find the positive in the negative

In both work and in our personal lives we have to go up against things we enjoy and things that we don’t enjoy as much. It’s important to be able to see the positive side of the tasks you don’t enjoy doing as this will help you see things from a different view point.

Doing things with a positive attitude is a key point when you want to get things done faster and with more motivation.

3. Convert your victories into an incentive

When we achieved something, it motivates us. That’s the idea! Convert your victories in engines that push you to achieve your goals.

Achievements aren’t there for you settle, but to motivate yourself.

4. Find someone that values you and who recognizes your work

Being surrounded by people that transmit positive energy is important. However, being surrounded by these types of people during your working day is even more important. From your personal mood’s point of view, you need a workmate or boss that recognizes the work you do.

This recognition helps us to continue, help, encourage and motivate.

Via: Fast Company.