Opinno is an international company with offices in Europe, North America and Latin America. Last Tuesday March 13 Javier Iglesias, Managing Director of Opinno Mexico, represented the company at the Global Connection Forum in Mexico City.
This forum is one of the most important conferences for the promotion of business relations and networking in Latin America. Its main goal is is to provide opportunities for growing businesses in the sector so they can embrace and benefit from the most innovative technological tendencies in areas such as user experience and digital transformation – ideas at the forefront of technological development.
This year, under the provocative title of the conference: ‘The Rebellion of the Customers’, the focus was on the future of customer relations in the wake of technological transformation. Most industry insiders agreed in the fact that the future will be in the clients’ hands as they decide on their own user experience. How will companies adapt to these changes? This year’s conference looked at the possibilities for companies in this new business reality.
At Opinno, we’ve had that idea for a long time. Our CEO, Pedro Moneo has spoken on many occasions about the need for certain companies to adapt to these changes or risk going out of business. At the conference in Mexico City, Javier Iglesias presented the key ideas and philosophy behind Opinno’s vision of the future of client relations. The talk was about concepts such as Tribe Leadership, a powerful new dynamic of in-house relationships between workers and Agile Management, which includes practices such as the Scrum approach, all of which are daily practice at Opinno.