In today’s workplace, the concept of Human Resources is changing alongside every other aspect of an employee´s place at work. In today´s workplace, a key shift is that employers are giving much more attention to the kind of experience workers undergo as employees. User experience has become a byword in success in the digital age, but this applies as much to workers as it does to clients.
This week Opinno´s director of worker experience, Alejandro Briceño spoke at the Google Campus, Madrid of employee experience and the central role it plays in attracting talented individuals to businesses.
Strategies are what a company needs to pull in the brightest and the best, namely those strategies that make up best practice in the digital age.
Alejandro addressed the company representatives and large amount of start-ups present on the new types of challenges facing Human Resources departments at a time when the job market is experiencing ongoing complex change. The kinds of profiles, skills and competencies of workers sought, as well as the recruitment practice of any company are evolving. Added to this are the user expectations of clients and ever-quickening response times facing businesses.

Alejandro spoke about the extent of such change and the kinds of effects companies can expect as a result when it comes to employment practice in the first half of his talk. The implications for companies wishing to capture talented individuals who can manage these changes is clear: it is not simply a question of finding but retaining those who have the skills to help companies tackle the new forms and pressures involved.
Although economic motivation has always played a key role in securing the very best candidate for a job, greater consideration is now given to the emotional impact of work on the individual.

Alejandro was there to shed some light on the areas at work that can and should be implicated in the emotional compensation and job satisfaction derived by employees – it’s all about their experience as employees that have an impact on results, and not just at the project level.
What is key is that employees share in a kind of vision they can commit to: one which is mutually beneficial and allows individuals to shine in their particular roles.
Alejandro mentioned a series of characteristics which are key to this new concept of employee experience, among them employers need to:
Know when to recognize achievement
Organize regular Team Building activities
Demonstrate a sense of trust in the employee
Establish clear goals from the outset
Be flexible
Create an atmosphere where growth and development are possible
Provide the sense of freedom to add an opinion
Promote a healthy lifestyle
Celebrate success and acknowledge the milestones achieved
Actively seek out employee’s opinions
The event was organized by the start-up Jovid. Pangea y Fresh Companies also participated.