The energy sector is a key part of the productive economy. It is currently subject to major changes due to the liberation of the market, stricter regulatory controls and increasing competition in the industry. However, technological innovation is facilitating the emergence of new business models, such as market diversification , optimization of energy consumption and prices, or smart grids ("a vision of what the power grid should be, of which the network itself uses modern network technology to connect different parts of the communication network," according to Network World)

On this basis, there are numerous initiatives. For example, IBM (International Business Machines), the seventh largest in the world according to Forbes magazine, through its project "Smarter Planet", will reduce its energy consumption by 50% in data collection by the creation of its Green Data Center (in collaboration with Syracuse University). Others such as Atos, "covers the needs of three market participant groups: generators, marketers, traders and renewable energies."

The proper management of smart energy provides streamline data collection, energy savings and a quick response to demand. On the Forbes list of the 100 most innovative technology companiesseven are related to energy:
