Companies are increasingly shifting towards more agile forms of project management thanks to tools like JIRA, a new way of organizing adaptably and flexibly
The challenge
Companies nowadays are immersed in sweeping changes that affect not only the markets in which they operate, but also organizational styles. Updating corporate strategies, products and management structures changed long ago from an option to an obligation. How can organizations adapt to continuous innovation and new philosophies like sharing-economy? At Opinno, we are convinced that technology is always a core part of the solution. Thus, we have started to implement the management software JIRA in all of our processes.
Our strategy
Agile methodologies like SCRUM and KANBAN form part of our active vocabulary and our daily routine. Traditionally linked to IT environments and start-ups, at Opinno we have placed our bets from the start on applying these methodologies to every business area and function. "Our vision is cultural, not tactical. Everything is integrated so that it is not the tool that generates the culture; it is the culture that brings out the best in the software," our director of Culture & Engagement, Alejandro Briceño, explains.
We also want to introduce our clients to JIRA to enable a way of working that allows the entire company to be agile, not just certain departments. However, to meet this goal, applying specific methodologies to our work practices was not enough. We needed to control project management activities and generate a continuous process of transformation-innovation, something in which JIRA excels.
Our solution
This is the reason we chose to incorporate JIRA´s software into both our processes and the digital transformation plans that we develop for our clients. Developed by the Australian company Atlassian, JIRA maximizes the potential of projects by incorporating agile methodologies in a collaborative work environment. "It is a great way to consolidate and convey our own corporate culture and new ways of working", our Culture & Engagement director explains.
The main highlight of JIRA at Opinno is that it allows us to unify our project management tools in one software suite. We want all members of Opinno at any of our international locations to work in the same way, with the same tool, something that will also benefit the companies we work with.
The implementation of JIRA is being conducted in close collaboration with Atlassian. In addition to our regular contact with the software company, their partners manager Vlad Valcanti visited our offices in Madrid to detail the benefits of their tools to our staff. Briceño says, "Jira is more than a tool, it is a philosophy that allows us to work more flexibly and adaptably, to respond more quickly to unforeseen developments."
We are sharing these same advantages with the companies where we are currently implementing the tool. As with our offices, we want to integrate their projects and forms of organization with JIRA. This way, we offer tools that are not only digital, but also come with our own seal of approval in terms of performance.