New factors impacting in the business sector, such as globalisation, the speed of change and high competition, position innovation as the primary axis of business transformation and growth. 

To achieve this, it’s essential for organisations to be more agile, for their employees to have a culture of innovation and intra-entrepreneurship that enables them both to adapt to the rapid changes of as well as learn how the most of each new opportunity.

A prominent construction company with more than 3,500 employees worldwide set out to drive innovation within the organization by creating a program that would train the organization's managers to be aligned with agile innovation methodologies.   


Our consultants have developed in-person training sessions with managers and Business Units (BUI) of the company to transform strategic projects into innovation challenges, create ideas from these challenges and convert these ideas into innovation projects, in a portfolio of projects that can be developed.

The sessions allowed for: 
Enhance the innovative culture within the organization
Present examples of successful innovation initiatives within large companies
Enable participants to learn the innovation methodologies that are being implemented by other companies
Apply the methodologies in current company projects